The driver logs page allows drivers, supervisors, and other authorized personnel to view, annotate, edit, and print a driver's record of duty status (driver log). Drivers may also use this page to certify their records of duty status.
The driver logs page shows all information that the USDOT requires for a driver's record of duty status, plus additional information to help supervisors and other personnel to verify a driver's hours of service and determine whether edits have been made to the original record.
A driver must have certified the logs before an admin can make any edits.
To view and certify the driver logs:
Click HOS in the menu bar, then click Driver Logs.
Select the driver and date from the dropdown menus.
Click View Logs.
You will see driver information, carrier information, and home terminal.
Scroll down the log events list and look for the event that needs to be edited.
You can edit, delete, or add notes to events. Click the plus sign to add a note. Click the trash can to delete an event. Click the pencil to edit an event.
Click save to save your changes.
When the driver next logs into the tablet, a prompt will appear notifying the driver there are changes to review.
To accept or reject changes on the tablet, go to the main menu and tap on Review Logs.
Go to the date of the event. The event that has been edited will be highlighted in red.
Review the edit and tap on it to accept or reject.
Remember, drivers can see up to seven days of logs in the tablet (14 days for Canadian drivers). If a change is made past the seven day window, the driver must log into the driver portal from a computer.
Click HOS in the menu bar, then click Driver Logs.
Select the date from the dropdown menus.
Click View Logs.
Scroll down the log events list and look for the edited event highlighted in red.
Clicking the green thumbs up icon approves the change. Clicking the red thumbs down icon rejects the change.