Roadside inspection process when having logs on Apollo and eFleetsuite

To access your Apollo logs:

  1. From the Apollo Home screen Select the Officer Icon.

    Home screen - officer icon
  2. The DOT Officer will have the options to choose how they want to review the logs.
    DOT Inspection
  3. To exit the DOT Inspection screens the Driver will need to enter in their password.
    Enter password to exit DOT inspection
  4. To access your eFleetsuite logs:

  5. Go Back to the DSA to enable eFleetsuite to access eFleetsuite Logs.
    enable eFleetSuite to access your logs
  6. After selecting Enable, the option for eFleetsuite will appear. Select this to sign into eFleetsuite.
    eFleetSuite will appear
  7. Enter your username and password.
    Enter your username and password
  8. From the Home screen change status to On Duty.
    Change status to On Duty
  9. Select the Option button to access “Roadside Inspection” option.
    Select the Option Button
  10. The DOT Inspector will now have access to view or send logs.
    log view
  11. Select back button to exit Roadside Inspection and enter password.
    select back button and enter password
  12. Select status to sign out of eFleetsuite.
    select status
  13. Use back button to go back to DSA.
    select back button
  14. Select the Back button to go to the DSA and disable eFleetsuite.
    select back button
  15. After selecting “Disable eFleetsuite” the option for eFleetsuite should disappear.
    select back button