Printing eFleetSuite Drivers Logs

After drivers go through a full cycle with Apollo ELD, be sure to download all available logs from the eFleetSuite admin portal in case of a future audit. This should be completed when the driver has completely transitioned over to Apollo ELD.

When in the eFleetSuite ELD admin portal select HOS > Print Multiple Logs.

Printing logs to PDF

To print logs for one or more drivers:

  1. Select the range of dates for which you wish to print logs.
    To change a date:
    • Click the "..." button to pop up the calendar.
    • Click on the date desired.
  2. Choose the log format desired:
    • Select US Format to print logs for all selected drivers in US format.
    • Select Canada Format to print logs for all selected drivers in Canada format.
  3. Select the names of drivers whose logs you wish to print.
    To select the driver names:
    • Click on a driver's name in the Available Drivers list to highlight it.*
    • Click the Add button to add the driver's name to the Selected Drivers list.
    • If a name is added in error, click the name in the Selected Drivers list to highlight it, then click the Remove button.
  4. Click the Print button.

This will create a printer-friendly PDF file of all selected drivers' logs for the selected date range. Choose whether to Open or Save the file.

* Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking with your mouse in order to highlight multiple names. When all desired names are highlighted, release the Ctrl key and click the Add or Remove button as appropriate.

Exporting logs to Excel

The Export button allows you to download driver logs as an .xlsx file.